Scott's Going

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bye Bye Big Apple

TJ and I caught a bus to Washington DC yesterday from Chinatown. I had a great time in NY but it takes a lot out of you, so I'm happy to take a break.

Since the last post we went to the American Museum of Natural History. It's so huge, we must have seen only 5% of it. You could spend a week there easily. It's got some amazing exhibits of all types of reptiles, mammals and birds.

Another mini highlight was seeing a group of 50cent wannabes get a grilling from NYPD in the subway. They're quite a presence compared to NZ police who's uniforms look like they're 20 years old and probably are. NYPD are armed with a very dark blue uniform (almost black) that just looks cooler.

So I'll be around Washington DC for a while - Well TJ's parents actually live in Maryland which is right by DC - and will probably take in some of the capitals sights. I think I'm about halfway settled into the timezone here - still got 3hrs to go.

I've finally met the family too, which seems to be going well so far...

I hope all is well wherever you are


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