Scott's Going

Friday, December 01, 2006

Little Britain

It’s pretty funny. I met Lou and Andy as you can see. Well, you might notice they’re not really the original characters played by Matt Lucas and David Williams – instead a couple of guys I met that The Church a while back. Yep that’s right I went to The Church on a Sunday. The Church celebrates a religion shared by millions worldwide; drinking. It’s a venue only open on Sundays from 12:00pm to 3:30pm where you can drink in a large hall with hundreds of other antipodeans while listening to good tunes and watching some interesting antics on stage. I’m not usually one to drink on a Sunday, but it had to be done. I must say I’m not one of those hypocritical church goers that thinks their god’s gift to the world because they go to church on Sunday then subsequently act like w**kers for the rest of the week. Unfortunately you don’t know who you are (none of you guys though).

That wasn’t really about Little Britain at all really, rather a bit of an arc through three vaguely related, not fully explored topics. That seems like too long of a title, so lets stick with Little Britain shall we?


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