Scott's Going

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sticky Situations

Some stuff to read:

Went to a Hollywood Party as Napoleon Dynamite (photos to come)

Went to a Comedy Club for my birthday last night - thanks to those who came and made it fun and put up with the amateur comedians. I liked the joke about the pineapples in the urinals that guys try to get to the drain.

Albert Einstein has the same birthday as me.

Should be moving to a new flat at the end of the month to a place (yet to be found) near Clapham Junction

Clapham Junction is claimed to be the busiest train station in the UK.

I'm keen to see the movie The Number 23

I didn't care for The Good Shepherd. There were no characters to like, seemed too slow and generally boring to me. I nearly fell asleep it was so long. Tsk tsk Robert De Niro.

And what is so great about Angelina Jolie? I don't find her any more attractive than my stapler. There's so much hype about her that Even Brad Pitt believed it. That's what really grinds my gears.

Out of the two magic films; The Illusionist with Ed Norton and The Prestige with Christian Bale, I would recommend The Prestige without a doubt.

I got a guitar pick from the Nine Inch Nails concert at Brixton Academy last Wed. I think it was Trent Reznor's.

Coke Zero isn't too bad. But I do miss Mountain Dew over here. I get V's but only the green ones. Not the black ones I became partial to before I left.

Watch a movie called London if you can. It's not about the City of London, it's about a girl named London. No, not Paris' counterpart. Jessica Beil is in some alright stuff these days. Anyway, I'm not going to tell you anything about it - I just randomly chose it, not know anything about it and was pleasantly surprised. I think I like it for the same reason I like Hurly Burly; very dialogue driven by interesting characters you can somehow relate to while being so different to.

I hope Windsor Engineering is doing ok - the exchange rate doesn't seem to be playing ball for NZ exporters again.

St Patrick's Day soon aye? Should be a good craic.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's scott gone?

11:23 pm  

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