Scott's Going

Monday, May 21, 2007

National Vegetarian Week

I was reading last week that this week (starting today) is the National Vegetarian Week over here (I’m not sure about elsewhere) so it got me thinkin’… I don’t really eat much meat over here because the read meat tends to be not much chop (pun intended) compared to the great stuff back home. I do however eat the pork products; ham and bacon, because they’re quite prevalent here. But when I think about the health benefits and the bad conditions animals have to live in, I’m not that opposed to vegetarianism and do admire the people who follow it.

Now I’m not saying I’m gonna get all vege on you so you have to cook something different for me when I come over, but I am going to give it a go this week to see what it’s like. I don’t really think it’s going to be too much hassle as I’m still going to have animal products like eggs and milk and I do have a couple of vegetarian dishes in my repertoire already. So starting today it’s a flesh free week for Scotty…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did the vegitarian week go sunshine?

4:59 pm  
Blogger SAS said...

It went well thanks bud - I stuck to it. But frankly a week wasn't long enough to really miss the meat too much or feel any possible health benifts. A month might be a more worthy challenge.

4:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know it's funny, when I lived in London i didn't eact much red meat either for about the same reasons. I cooked some mince once and it stunk like urine.. we had the bail form the house and eat at the pub the smell was so bad!!

3:39 am  

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